5 Best Investments Made In Photo and Prop Styling Business

Oct 17, 2024

To grow our photo and prop styling business we need to make some investments ~ some in time and some in money.  I  Invest money in my tools and products of the trade to ensure that I have both efficient and effective. I invest time (& money) into perfecting my “craft” of styling by continuing education classes ~ whether that be on business or hands-on classes that advance my skills ~ always be investing.

Over my years in the photo styling industry, these are my top 5 investments I have made and continue to make to grow my business,



Invest in your Kit. Your Kit (& everything in it) is the cornerstone of your success as a Photo Stylist.  It ensures you are efficient and effective. To me, my “Kit” is everything from the tools and products I use to the way I pack, transport, arrive and set up “my space” in the Photo Studio or Location.   This is my number one and believe in it so much I did a 1 hour Video on it. You can find the video in our Business of Styling Shop.



Yes, the money for travel, hotels, meals does add up. But I have found it is well worth investment!  (I go to Tradeshows every year) One of the best investments I have made in business.  (I go to one lifestyle tradeshow, and two for my niche of children lifestyle styling.  Every time I go I have benefited in the following ways:

Met many clients

2.  Connected with those in target market
3.  Meet Suppliers for photo shoots
4.  Trade Wholesale opportunities
5.  Reconnect IRL with clients also going
6.  Sat in on great educational speaker panels
7.  Have gained press opportunities

Oftentimes, there is not a fee to attend Tradeshows ~ your investment is traveling and time. However, you do need to certify that you are part of the “trade” so you need to register with your EIN number.  (This is something you should have for your business anyway.  You need to get your EIN (Employee Identification Number) for banking and business purposes.)

In addition to tradeshows, I also attend events throughout the year.  I have written a guides on both conferences and events to attend as well as networking at conferences and events. Links below.

Conferences, Tradeshows and Events
Networking at Conferences, Tradeshows and Events



Don’t spend all your time trying to find new clients and getting “new work”.  (You gotta “love on your clients) I “invest” in the clients I have. Appreciate and nurture the clients you have.  Always have client love and express your appreciation in gifts or taking them out to lunch "out of the blue" (not just when you’re looking for work!)  It has to be from your (non-promotional! ;) heart!) 

Always think creatively  of what they love specific to them and consistently showing appreciation. This is SO important to me that I have a yearly budget for my client love!  I don’t just gift on the holidays. 



We need to protect yourself and styling business.  A contract is not a “should get” it’s a must get. As you know, the Photographers have all the rights. (copyrights) We need to protect our business (and styling) as well. 

In my career, I had to “call upon” my contract. Your Contract speaks to protection and professionalism. It will make clear: your rate, overtime rate, percentage to be paid for late payments, “scope creep” ;) getting your tearsheets and photographs from assignments and much more.

If you need Contract, we have one in our Business of Styling Shop.



Some of our “investments” we make in our career come from our own unique experiences. Very early in my career, I had a “color” discrepancy with an client/assignment.  THAT was the only time. I’m very clear with colors now with Pantone Colors/Hex Codes. AND, as a Stylist I love having my Pantone Book resource I can use in Pre-Production meetings and Prep Work.

While many resources are available online, its great to have some “hard copies” of resources as well for in person production meetings and on-set discussions.  So, I love to have my Pantone Book available.

In addition to that I also have my iPad Tablet (with Pantone and HEX colors)  Another investment I made in my styling business.  I have found that while in a meeting it is easier (& more professional) to pass around my IPAD (rather than my phone) in a meeting to show color, props, ideas, etc.  It’s a perfect size to pass and large enough to see details of images.

In terms of our brand touchpoints, it’s important to bring your brand into your client interactions.  When I use my IPAD in meetings, my desktop of IPAD is branded to my company with branded icons, logo and colors.  Use every opportunity to show your brand touchpoint in you business.

Bonnie ~


FREE Business of Photo Styling Guides to help with your Styling Business! Check them our in our Resource Library.


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