Brand Touchpoints For Your Photo Styling Business

Oct 10, 2024

Every interaction people (or a client) has with you (& your brand) is an opportunity to leave a impression. A great brand experience can make a big difference. It can make an impression, influence their experience and how they perceive your brand and whether they hire you for your styling services. Touchpoints can (1) set the first impression of your business and (2) creates recognizable brand identity of your brand (& brand personality)

Touchpoints are physical environment, digital and human/in person interactions.  It can come in many forms, such as:

■  Product Packaging
■  Business Collateral
■  Photo Studio Ambience, Layout, Feel/Vibe
■  Branded Merchandise
■  Client Gifting
■  How You “Surprise & Delight” Client in Person

It’s everything that “touches” your client about your brand.  It does the following:

■  Guides how a client perceives you 
■  Guides their decisions on purchasing from you
■  Creates a connection with you
■  Fosters client loyalty

You will grow and evolve with your brand touchpoint as your business grows.  You may add to them in time or you may decide to switch things up.  Do strive to have some consistency, however, because part of branding and customer experience is growing in “what to expect from you” and your brand.  I have found that clients "grow to love what you do" in terms of your brand touchpoints ~ so you want to be mindful of that. As we talk about here, there is so much to think about when growing your styling business from skills and traits needed as a photo stylist to reasons you may not be hired back to how to get hired for the work you want. but how you are perceived by your branding and how you interact/treat your clients is a big part of your styling business.  Along with your styling talent ~ it's the cornerstone of your success ~ how you position yourself and your brand.

Here a few ways I incorporate by brand touches into my business:


I carry my styling wardrobe pieces into shoot all in monogramed logo/my brand color garment bags.  It looks neat, (branded) and professional. (Also, it protects my clients clothing.  Oftentimes, I get clothing for photo shoots loaned to me through clothing brands I work with, so I want to protect the clothing and take care of them.)  I Never carry in bags or the cardboard boxes they came in. (Also, I do a little “pre-prep” steaming, so it’s not ALL done at the shoot.)

I also do this for tabletop linens.  I hold them in a garment bag as well.



When I am hired to do a Prop and Drop and not hired to be at the actual shoot, I do the “drop” all branded. (again, with my logo and brand colors boxes.)  Nothing is dropped off/mailed to a client in a random bag or box ~ it’s received by my client neat, organized and completed branded. (Oftentimes, I even send photos of suggested compositions as a surprise for clients to help them, which is also a brand touchpoint.)  AND, even tho’ I’m not at shoot I pack a box of candy (also a brand touchpoint) in one of boxes as a surprise thank you for hiring me. 



I have chatted about this before, part of what I do during the Summer/Fall is to go to the Thrift Shows in New England. I check in with my clients to see if they need/want anything for their upcoming shoots. (This “service” I provide is for my food styling clients and those who need props.)  I take photos while I am there and send to client to see what they need.  When they receive their item(s)  . . . you guessed it! ~ package is branded with colors, ribbon, sticker and “branded” note! 

Same goes for holiday gifting.  I brand the packaging.  I do have one very strict rule tho’ when it comes to gifting clients.  NO  PROMOTIONAL gifts.  Nothing that has my logo, brand or anything.  It’s a true “gift” ~ not a “promotion” of my business.

Bonnie ~


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