How To Get Testimonials For Your Business
Mar 12, 2024
Need testimonials about your business? We all do, right!? (We all want them. We all need them.) When working with photo and prop styling coaching clients, the biggest things I see is “fear of asking” and the “scramble” to get them before a pitch or proposal. Testimonials HAS to be an ongoing process for your business. This is a task to keep on your action and success plan for your business. Remember, people believe what other people say about our business rather than what we say about our business.
➤➤ PART ONE of TESTIMONIAL SERIES ➤➤ Low Hanging Fruits 🍊
We have to make it a business priority to get those testimonials for our business. With Part One of this Testimonial Series, I’m starting with the easy ones . . .
Your “low hanging fruit” (easy to get & have) testimonials are ones you already have that you probably don’t think are testimonials. They are!
Go through your DM’s and look for messages you received that are complimentary to your business, your styling (or YOU, personally!) Reach out to those people and tell them you are in the process of promoting your business and you would love to use their thoughts.
KEY: Moving Forward. When you get the compliments on your biz (or you!) ask that person IMMEDIATELY by saying:
"Thank you so much for saying that, I appreciate it. I would love to share your thoughts in my promotions. Can I please share them?"
Make it a HABIT to do immediately. Testimonials are an ongoing business task. Much like the ongoing task of getting our photo styling tearsheets and samples. (That's another one we need to stay on top of!)
Same thing the you do in your DM’s, do in all your social feeds. Did someone compliment you, your service or product in your feed comments?
▪︎ Screenshot Compliment Comment
▪︎ DM Person
▪︎ Thank Them for Compliment
▪︎ Ask them Permission to Share
▪︎ Keep Ongoing File of Comment **
** Much like when we talk about creating a smile file for yourself when you need a boost. Many of those may be testimonials too.
Have you received emails with compliments on you, your product or service after you have worked with someone? (These can be simple “wrap up the project” emails where client shared some thoughts.) Those are testimonials.
When you get them, again, ask person immediately if you can use (share) their thoughts. Start separate File Folder for these on email/computer. If you received a email with compliment a while ago, reach out with something like:
"When I received your email I appreciated it so much, I saved it! I’m now in the process of promoting my business and would love to share your thoughts. Can I please share your thoughts?"
So, maybe you are just starting your business ordering your “side hustle “ and you have not been in business long enough to receive compliments and comments?
Go to your Performance Reviews! Yes, you can use those! Performance Reviews speak to your character. In reviews, you may hear:
▪︎ Great team player!
▪︎ Great work ethic!
▪︎ Great problem solver?
▪︎ Always the first to help someone!
▪︎ Always can count on - reliable!
These are important! They speak to your character and how you conducted yourself (& how you would/do conduct yourself in your business.)
So, think you have compliments that are “not enough” (long enough) to use as a Testimonial?
They are! We will get to that in this Testimonial Series. How to use the small and quick compliments! Don’t worry that your are not getting those long, in-depth compliments. You will get there. This is a process ~ getting testimonials and learning “where they are”.
Thank people for giving your permission to use their thoughts and show them what you have done with their testimonial. AND, it’s great to give them compliments as well. If appropriate to client, reciprocate with your own testimonials back to them. Remember, you want them and so do THEY!
I give “unsolicited” testimonials ALL THE TIME. Just “out of the blue” / "I appreciate you” spotlights and testimonials.
Don’t ever make your business always about you. :) Give those compliments to others as well.
MOST important thing I can share with you is to go out there and show love, be generous, give compliments and cheers to your colleagues, clients, friends, followers, businesses ~ to everyone. Think of others. We can’t always be asking and thinking of just our biz. (But it has to come from your heart!)
The “Law of Reciprocity" will be in your favor.
We hope our Blog and topics like this helps you grow your business? Would love to know your thoughts! Send me email to let us know or just to say hello! See what we did there ;) Your CTA could become your testimonials! ;) (Really would love to hear from you!)
Bonnie ~
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PART TWO Testimonial Series ~ Next Post.
Image Credit | Canva
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